Sunday, September 30, 2007

intellectual reality of a human

Everything thus far believed to be but a theoretical model of cognition could now be build onto a real, practical construct, a useful communication system, system more appropriate for our time than the traditional forms of natural languages. This is not a trivial matter. It is a path toward a change of intellectual reality of a human. It is possible to recreate natural cognition, literally, because of the technology now available.

Let's go a step further and recognize an internal intelligent environment as a natural map of "personal cognition". The key word is "personal". This personal environment, traditionally underestimated perhaps, cannot be dismissed as non-existent or theoretical only. It could in fact be re-captured quite easily, via software, coded onto a unique, useful, friendly system and labeled a Non-Natural Language or Natural Software or anything else for the time being...

Let's recognize such Non-Natural Language as a system of symbols purposefully suspended in a 3D space of this personal intelligent environment of ours. Each symbol within such space must be recreated as an icon (graphic) that represents an entire sentence or a phrase in a very specific grammatical form and emotional intonation, adjusted to individual, natural imagery of a user. Each symbol must be available to be located by that user, at a speed of his own, individual cognition, on-demand.

Such new form of a language combined with the brain-computer interface will redefine our human intelligence without a question. Possibilities are endless. While the initial model does not need to be complex ( i.e. emator), the end effect would not only be a multi-modal virtual language with a build in mapping system, but a language as personal as personality itself. An era of a multitude auto-translatable individual languages might be the beginning of now so controversial Kurzweil's Singularity, a state of "intelligence beyond today's imagination". (For more information on "singularity" go to

We are now forming a group of those that might be interested in participation in the project. It will be an intellectual share-in party at first. Later it might form to a not-for-profit organization. Details to be established. Please email me with ANY comments and for more information.

Speech duplication gives a voice to many people, on-demand & in real time --

The end effect is such that the system "picks" a thought and displays it within the visual dictionary provided on a monitor. The display is simultaneously confirmed by a spoken sentence; voice through computer speakers. This gives the opportunity to communicate in real time in spite of any possible disability. In essence, a thought is on-demand followed by visual and audio response. Observation alone allows the user to become familiar with the device and the process. The device can be used in any situation, including emergencies, as it is self-explanatory and can by-pass the learning period.

So what is the difference between DUPLICATION of speech and so called speech-recognition?

The two technologies are based on different principles and apply to different life situations. Voice duplication provides an immediate assistance. It is based on mnemonics (system where a memory is supported by visuals) and navigation of the mnemonics via computer cursor. Each sentence is pre-recorded in its specific grammatical form and specific intonation and because of the navigation system, similar to that of internet maps, the location of a chosen sentence can be found quickly and clicked on. At that instance the sentence is spoken. There is much discussion as far as where this technology will take us in the future. On the other hand, the speech-recognition requires a typed text which in turn must be read by computer in a human-like voice. Please email us if you are interested in a demo of speech duplication.

What is EMATOR:


- for those who cannot speak... read... hear... see...

- for those who speak with accents

- and even for those who simply don't know the language yet but want to lecture in a foreign country...

EMATOR or e-Multimodal-Translator speaks with natural intonations and chosen emoticons, on demand.

While some grad studens are now working on a demo website, here you could see similar technologies: